Ashot Chilingaryan, Yerevan Physics Institute, Cosmic Ray Division, Yerevan
Armen Hovhannisyan, Yerevan Physics Institute, Cosmic Ray Division, Yerevan
Bagrat Mailyan, Yerevan Physics Institute, Cosmic Ray Division, Yerevan
Katya Georgieva, STIL-BAS, Sofia
Boian Kirov, STIL-BAS, Sofia
Rositza Koleva, STIL-BAS, Sofia
Jordanka Semkova, STIL-BAS, Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Sofia
Slobodan Danko Bosanac, Institut R. Bošković, Physical chemistry, Zagreb
Roman Brajša, Faculty of Geodesy, Hvar Observatory, Zagreb
Jaša Čalogović, Faculty of Geodesy, Hvar Observatory, Zagreb
Damir Hržina, Zagreb Astronomical Observatory, Zagreb
Darije Maričić, Zagreb Astronomical Observatory, Zagreb
Ivan Pilaš, Forest Research Institute, Ecology and silviculture, Jastrebarsko
Ivana Poljančić, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Odjel za fiziku, Rijeka
Ivan Romštajn, Zagreb Astronomical Observatory, Zagreb
Dragan Roša, Zagreb Astronomical Observatory, Zagreb
Jadranka Roša, Croatian Forests, Zagreb
Giuliana Verbanac, Faculty of Science, Geophysical, Zagreb
Bojan Vršnak, Faculty of geodesy, Hvar observatory, Zagreb
Tomislav Žic, Faculty of Geodesy, Hvar Observatory, Zagreb
Georgeta Maris, Institute of Geodynamics, Netural Fields, Bucharest
Zhanna Dashkevich, Polar Geophysical Institute, RAS, Apatity
Irina Despirak, Polar Geophysical Institute, RAS, Apatity
Irina Grigoryeva, Central astronomical observatory at Pulkovo of RAS, Saint Petersburg
Vitaly Ishkov, Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetizm, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS (IZMIRAN), Solar Electrodynamics and Space experiment Prognostic Support Laboratory, Troitsk of Moscow region
Tatyana Kaltman, Special Astrophysical observatory, Solar investigations laboratory, Saint Petersburg
Larisa Kashapova, Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Radio Astrophysics Department, Irkutsk
Natalia Kleimenova, Institute of the Earth Physics, Geoelectric and Magnetosphere dynamics, Moscow
Olga Kozyreva, Institute of the Earth Physics, RAS, Moscow
Tamara Kuznetsova, IZMIRAN, Magnetism of the Earth and planets, Troitsk
Oksana Yagodkina, Polar Geophysical Institute, RAS, Apatity
Atila Ozguc, Bogazici University, Kandilli Observatory, Istanbul
Edward Cliver, AFRL, RVBXS, AFB, MA
Nat Gopalswamy, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Solar Physics Laboratory, Greenbelt