
Sunrise and sunset times for other locations can be found on other internet websites like Time and Date ( etc.

Important: Times are expressed in Central European time (CET). One hour should be added to the CET when daylight saving time is in force. The sunrise and sunsets relate to the moment when the upper edge of the Sun is found on the visible horizon (which corresponds to the sea horizon) with the amount of 34.0′ refraction. The theoretically calculated moments of the sunrises and sunsets of the Sun are negligible on the same date between individual years (up to a maximum of two minutes). Since the difference between calculated and real moments due to the impact of the atmosphere and the configuration of the horizon in real cases can be significantly higher, the data shown here can only serve as orientation, both for current and other years.

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Date Sunrise (CET) Sunset (CET)
h:m h:m
1. studeni 6:36 16:42
2. studeni 6:38 16:41
3. studeni 6:39 16:40
4. studeni 6:41 16:38
5. studeni 6:42 16:37
6. studeni 6:43 16:35
7. studeni 6:45 16:34
8. studeni 6:46 16:33
9. studeni 6:48 16:32
10. studeni 6:49 16:30
11. studeni 6:50 16:29
12. studeni 6:52 16:28
13. studeni 6:53 16:27
14. studeni 6:55 16:26
15. studeni 6:56 16:25
16. studeni 6:57 16:24
17. studeni 6:59 16:23
18. studeni 7:00 16:22
19. studeni 7:02 16:21
20. studeni 7:03 16:20
21. studeni 7:04 16:19
22. studeni 7:06 16:18
23. studeni 7:07 16:18
24. studeni 7:08 16:17
25. studeni 7:10 16:16
26. studeni 7:11 16:16
27. studeni 7:12 16:15
28. studeni 7:13 16:15
29. studeni 7:15 16:14
30. studeni 7:16 16:14