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119. obljetnica Zvjezdarnice – predavanje “New window to the Universe: James Webb Telescope”

Povodom obilježavanja 119. obljetnice Zvjezdarnice u četvrtak 15. prosinca održat će se prigodno predavanje “New window to the Universe: James Webb Telescope”, s početkom u 19:15 sati. Predavač je naš uvaženi gost prof. dr. Arnold Hanslmeier s Instituta za geofiziku, astrofiziku i meteorologiju, Graz, Austrija. Predavanje će biti na engleskom jeziku.


The James Webb Space Telescope opens new windows to the universe. It will enable us to observe the young universe, young galaxies, stellar clusters as well as exoplanets. It operates in the Infrared and therefore high redshift galaxies can be studied as well as the faint light of planets around other stars. Also, the atmospheres of exoplanets can be studied, for example if there’s is water present.